Saturday, February 21, 2009


Comet Lulin is approaching Earth and brightening rapidly. Observers say it is now visible to the naked eye as a faint (magnitude +5.6) gassy patch in the constellation Virgo before dawn. Even city dwellers have seen it. Backyard telescopes reveal a vivid green comet in obvious motion. Just yesterday, amateur astronomers watched as a solar wind gust tore away part of the comet's tail, the second time this month such a thing has happened. Lulin's closest approach to Earth (38 million miles) is on Feb. 24th; at that time the comet could be two or three times brighter than it is now.
photocourtesy of

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Dawning One!
Sorry I couldn’t visit you for the last two weeks! I’m trying to catch-up and see the wonders you have around!

Should have learned this before; on the 24th I was in the middle of the sea; it would have been a great spot to see the comet... ;))

Meanwhile, one of the most beautiful Forts in India waits you and your comments at Blogtrotter: – The Amber Fort! Enjoy and have a great week!